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Specialty coffee is among current coffee trends. But is it just a passing fad? Probably not! With a forecast to reach $152.69 billion by 2030, according to a report by The Brainy Insights, it is clear that specialty coffee is not just a trend; it is a movement that is here to stay.

But what are the current coffee trends that highlight specialty coffee?

This evolution in the market is intrinsically connected to a shift in consumer behavior. In a world where consumption turns into a sensory experience in search of comfort and happiness, even in the face of challenges, there is a growing appreciation for products that not only satisfy the palate, but also carry real and impactful stories. 

Today, the global consumer, more than at any other time, prefers brands that reflect their values and that are dedicated to promoting positive changes in the environment in which they operate.

With that in mind, in this article we will cover how specialty coffee is reshaping consumer preferences and what makes it more than a current trend in the coffee universe. Keep reading!

Specialty coffee beyond a current trend

Specialty coffee is not just another trend among current coffee trends; it represents a remarkable evolution in the sector, meeting consumers’ demand for superior products that not only deliver exceptional taste and quality, but also promote sustainable and ethical practices. This segment of the market elevates the experience of coffee consumption, making it richer and more significant.

In this sense, the essence of specialty coffee lies in its ability to offer a complete experience, involving an appreciation for the origin, quality and responsible production process. 

In other words, consumers aren’t just looking for a high-quality coffee; they want a deeper connection with the product, valuing transparency, sustainability, and the positive social impact that comes with every cup.

The strong presence of specialty coffee in the market

As consumers continue to value the combination of exceptional flavor and sustainable practices, specialty coffee has established itself as a long-lasting conscious choice. The data projected for the market growth mentioned above indicate that it will not only remain relevant, but also expand its influence on global coffee culture.

Thus, as more companies adopt specialty coffee, they raise their standard of excellence, as well as expand their market opportunities by taking advantage of consumers’ growing interest in high-quality coffees with known origin. 

This movement shows a clear recognition of the potential of specialty coffee to add value to the business, positioning it as a key element for success in the sector, and, once again, going beyond current coffee trends. 

Therefore, as noted, we can say that specialty coffee has everything it takes to stay strong for a long time, both in the United States and in other markets. 

The shift in consumer profile, their new way of perceiving their role in the ecosystem and the desire for premium products reinforce the idea that specialty coffee is not only here to stay, but also to thrive in current and future coffee market trends.

Lucky Hills specialty coffee: consolidating trends in the American market 

Lucky Hills, a local American company, has been gaining ground in the US with its Brazilian specialty coffee, carefully selected from beans grown in Carmo da Cachoeira, in southern Minas Gerais, a well-known area for its benchmark production of arabica coffee, and roasted locally, in California, on demand.

Keeping in mind that the American market considers Brazilian specialty coffee one of their most relevant products, due to its superior quality, which meets the high standards of the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), being one of the ingredients that help consolidate the premium niche with a strong trend in the United States.

Read more: 

5 reasons why Brazilian coffee is so special

And by importing these beans and roasting them locally in Florida, Lucky Hills ensures freshness and an unparalleled aroma to consumers, providing an authentic and immersive sensory experience for even the most discerning palates. 

In addition, with the direct trade business model, which establishes a transparent connection between producers and consumers, Lucky Hills guarantees not only exceptional coffee, but also ethical and sustainable business practices.

Want to know more about Lucky Hills specialty coffee? Visit our website or talk to our consultants