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In the hospitality industry, it’s often the small details that make all the difference in the guest experience. Among these details, hotel coffee can stand out as a unique touch, adding an element of care and sophistication to a stay. After all, according to market research, nearly 3 out of 4 Americans drink coffee every day.  

Thus, choosing the right supplier is not just a logistical decision but also an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s image and offer something special to your customers.  

With extensive market experience, suppliers like Lucky Hills, an American company, have distinguished themselves by offering coffees that not only complement but elevate the guest experience.  

Below, we present three essential tips to help you find a hotel coffee supplier that perfectly aligns with the style and values of your business, providing a memorable experience. Read on!

  1. Prioritize Specialty Coffee 

When choosing a hotel coffee supplier, the first and most important factor to consider is the quality of the coffee itself.  

In this context, specialty coffee has become increasingly popular, and for good reason. Unlike common commercial coffee, specialty coffee is graded and categorized based on rigorous standards, ensuring that every cup offers an exceptional flavor experience.  

Specialty coffee, often grown in high-altitude regions like South Minas Gerais, Brazil, develops a richer and more complex flavor profile, providing your guests with a more refined and satisfying coffee experience. This not only enhances the perceived quality of service but can also bolster your hotel’s reputation.  

Moreover, specialty coffee suppliers typically offer a variety of blends and single-origin coffees, allowing you to customize options according to your brand’s identity and your guests’ preferences, ensuring a unique experience aligned with your target audience.  

Expert Tip: When evaluating potential suppliers, request samples of their specialty coffee. Conduct taste tests with your team to assess the coffee’s flavor, aroma, and overall quality.

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5 Coffee Brewing Methods for Hotels That Will Impress Your Guests

  1. Evaluate the Freshness of Coffee Beans  

When it comes to hotel coffee, freshness is an element that can make all the difference in your guests’ experience. To ensure that the coffee served at your hotel maintains its most distinctive characteristics, it’s essential to choose a supplier that prioritizes every step of the process, from cultivation and roasting to delivery.  

Truly fresh coffee preserves all its aroma and flavor complexity—qualities appreciated by connoisseurs. This is possible thanks to careful roasting processes and the proximity between roasting and the coffee’s final destination. This way, the time between roasting and serving your guest’s cup is minimized, ensuring a superior experience.  

Additionally, packaging plays a crucial role in maintaining this freshness. Choosing a supplier that uses bags with one-way valves, which preserve the coffee’s aroma and flavor, is an excellent way to ensure that every cup served is special. For those moments when coffee needs to be stored after opening, resealable bags are ideal for maintaining quality until the last bean.  

Expert Tip: Ensure that the supplier has a delivery schedule aligned with your hotel’s needs. This ensures that the coffee always arrives at the ideal point to be served, keeping the guest experience at the forefront.

  1. Consultancy: The Expert Touch That Makes a Difference in Hotel Coffee  

In addition to providing high-quality hotel coffee, a good supplier should act as a strategic partner, offering specialized consultancy that adds value to your hotel’s coffee service. This support goes beyond simple product delivery, helping to create a personalized experience that truly resonates with your guests.  

A good consultant should communicate clearly with your team, identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing solutions seamlessly. Open communication ensures that strategies align perfectly with your hotel’s needs and style.  

Finally, a personalized approach is essential. Every hotel has its own particularities, and coffee solutions should reflect this individuality. A supplier who deeply understands your business’s characteristics and offers consultancy aligned with your specific needs can make a real difference in the quality of the service provided.

Expert Tip: Choose a supplier who helps you select the best beans, specifically adapted to your target audience and business proposition.

The Ideal Hotel Coffee Supplier  

Choosing a hotel coffee supplier is a strategic decision that goes beyond simply providing beans. It’s about finding a partner who understands the nuances of your business and can offer a product that not only meets but elevates your guests’ experience. Specialty coffee quality, freshness guaranteed by careful roasting processes and appropriate packaging, and personalized consultancy are essential elements that can turn the simple act of drinking coffee into a memorable moment.  

Suppliers like Lucky Hills, with their extensive experience and commitment to excellence, exemplify exactly what you should look for. By offering high-quality, fresh coffee packaged to preserve every flavor nuance, along with consultative support that understands your hotel’s specific needs, Lucky Hills positions itself as a choice that can truly make a difference.

Lucky Hills: The Ideal Choice for Those Seeking Hotel Coffee  

Lucky Hills is an American company renowned for excellence in hotel coffee.  

The high-quality 100% Arabica specialty coffee beans we use are grown in the renowned South Minas Gerais region, in Carmo da Cachoeira, Brazil, known for its ideal conditions and rich soils. After harvest, these beans are imported and roasted locally in Florida, on demand, ensuring freshness and an unparalleled flavor in every cup.  

In addition to providing exceptional specialty coffee, we offer personalized consultancy to help you select the best varieties for your business. We serve a variety of establishments in the U.S., always committed to providing unique and memorable aromatic experiences for your customers.  

Speak with our consultants and discover our specialty coffee varieties.