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In the dynamic world of food service, offering quality products that captivate and retain customers is essential. Coffee, being one of the most globally consumed beverages, represents a unique opportunity to highlight your establishment.  

Lucky Hills offers a variety of specially selected and processed coffees to meet the demands of food service businesses, such as restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and offices.  

Want to know the different types of coffee we offer at Lucky Hills? Keep reading this article!

The Different Types of Coffee Beans on the Market

Before delving into the exclusive selections available at Lucky Hills, it’s worth clarifying the different types of coffee beans that exist in the market.  

Traditionally, beans are categorized into four main varieties: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.  

The most well-known varieties are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is widely appreciated for its smoother and more aromatic flavor, making it a favorite among many coffee enthusiasts. Robusta, on the other hand, is valued for its stronger and more intense flavor profile, ideal for those seeking an energy boost.  

Liberica and Excelsa are less common in the market. Liberica offers a unique taste, often described as slightly fruity and floral, while Excelsa, which is classified within the Liberica family, brings even more distinctive notes with hints of fruit and acidity.  

At Lucky Hills, we focus exclusively on 100% Arabica beans, carefully selected from the South of Minas Gerais, Brazil, known for its exceptional quality of specialty coffee. We chose this variety for its popularity and flavor profile, which we believe is ideal for our exclusive blends.

Read also:  

5 Reasons Why Brazilian Coffee is So Special

The Different Types of Coffee from Lucky Hills  

With a clear understanding of the different types of coffee beans on the market, it’s time to introduce the special varieties of 100% Arabica beans that Lucky Hills offers:

Espresso Coffee – Classic Blend: Baristas’ Favorite  

Created with the high-pressure environment of espresso machines in mind, the Espresso Coffee – Classic Blend is the ideal choice for businesses looking to offer a classic and robust espresso.  

With notes of chocolate and nuts, this blend is naturally sweet, providing a flavor profile that pleases the most refined palates:  

  • Flavor Profile: Chocolate, Nuts, Sweet  
  • Origin: South of Minas Gerais, Brazil  
  • Altitude: 850 to 950 meters  
  • Process: Natural  
  • Ingredients: 100% Arabica Coffee  

[Buy Espresso Coffee – Classic Blend here]

Pour Over Coffee – Chef’s Blend: The Versatile Choice

Designed to adapt to any menu, Pour Over Coffee – Chef’s Blend is as carefully selected as the ingredients in a gourmet dish.  

This blend stands out for its harmony of chocolate, caramel, and citrus notes, offering an exceptional aroma and a balanced flavor, ideal for pairing with anything from breakfast to dessert:  

  • Flavor Profile: Chocolate, Caramel, Citrus, Well-Balanced  
  • Origin: South of Minas Gerais, Brazil  
  • Process: Natural  
  • Altitude: 850 to 950 meters  
  • Ingredients: 100% Arabica Coffee  

[Buy Pour Over Coffee – Chef’s Blend here]

Flexibility and Direct Trade: The Distinctive Features of Lucky Hills  

Understanding the diverse demands in the food service sector, Lucky Hills offers its coffees in whole beans or ground, with packaging options of 5lbs for high consumption volume and 12oz, perfect for those looking for variety or wanting to introduce new flavors to their establishment.  

In addition to this flexibility, one of the pillars of our business is direct trade, which essentially refers to the practice of acquiring specialty coffee directly from producers, eliminating intermediaries in the supply chain.  

This business model allows for a transparent and direct transaction between the buyer and the producer, facilitating mutual understanding of quality and price expectations.

Choose Lucky Hills Coffee as Your Business Partner  

Choosing Lucky Hills as your specialty coffee supplier means not only enriching your menu with internationally recognized bean varieties but also engaging in a partnership that values quality, sustainability, and positive social impact.  

Our specialty coffee blends are carefully crafted to satisfy the most demanding palates, ensuring that every cup served in your establishment is a unique and memorable experience.  

Offer your customers a journey of flavors and aromas with the different types of coffee from Lucky Hills.  

Visit our website and shop online simply and quickly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.